last weekend (i'm late!) was the look&listen festival...i saw some great art at ok harris and gary snyder/project space, met some stellar personalities - the inimitable mark stewart and fresh face victoria bass of bang on a can all-stars; the charming and musically eloquent jade simmons and svet stoyanov; blogger extra-ordinaires bruce hodges and karissa krenz; so percussion (and their fifth member, luca); fascinating violinist todd reynolds. i wonder, though: does it get lonely, this pursuit?
someday i'll have screenshots, a fleshed-out resume, a bio to speak of. this summer i look forward to some RENCONTRES DE MUSIQUE NOUVELLE avec martin matalon (argentine/IRCAM), denys boulianne, jean lesage, et le NEM (montréal). je suis flûtiste, entendez-moi hurler!
tomorrow i hit carnegie hall for orpheus + susan graham in pays to be friends on facebook!
maybe karissa is right - that you have to post at least a few times per week for anyone to pay attention. i might be m.i.a. for a spell this summer, but i will do my best (unconscious reference to fox's "dollhouse").
current fixations: herbie hancock's joni letters; issue 07; short films made by people i know; performances involving lamps and interesting distortion effects; simple, clean design; the idea that maybe, someday soon, i will be gainfully employed.
this is the face of dreamy contentment, one reconciled to the fact that it couldn't get much better.

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